Thought of the day
3/17/2019 6:40:51 AM

Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory, spoke of his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem


Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory, spoke of his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem

Today, on Mount Tabor, the state of our future life and the Kingdom of joy are mysteriously made manifest. Today, in an unexpected way, the former messengers of the Old and New Covenants have come together on the mountain beside their God as bearers of a paradoxical mystery. Today, on Mount Tabor, is sketched out the mystery of the cross which, through death, gives life. Just as Christ was crucified between two men on Mount Calvary, so he now stands in his divine majesty between Moses and Elijah. And today's feast shows us that other Sinai, that mountain far more precious than Sinai by reason of its wonders and events. With its theophany it far surpasses merely representative and vague divine visions... Rejoice! O Creator of all that is, Christ our King, Son of God radiant with light, who have transfigured all creation in your image and have recreated it in an even better way... And you, too, rejoice! O image of the heavenly Kingdom, most holy mount of Tabor, surpassing in beauty all other mountains! Mount Golgotha and you, O mount of Olives, sing a hymn together and rejoice; sing with one voice of Christ on Mount Tabor and together chant his praises!