Thought of the day
10/24/2019 5:42:50 AM

“To light a fire on the earth”: the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3)


“To light a fire on the earth”: the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3)
O Spirit of God, Spirit of love and of mercy,
Who pours into my heart the balm of trust,
Your grace confirms my soul in what is good,
Giving it an invincible strength: constancy!

O Spirit of God, Spirit of peace and of joy,
Who comforts my thirsting heart,
Pour into it the living spring of divine love
And make it dauntless in battle.

O Spirit of God, my soul’s most lovable guest,
I for my part desire to be faithful to you
In days of joy as much as in days of suffering;
Spirit of God, I desire to live always in your presence.

O Spirit of God who penetrates my being
And lets me know your divine and Trinitarian life,
You initiate me to your divine Being;
Thus united with you, I have eternal life.