Thought of the day
12/8/2018 7:24:38 AM

Mary, “full of grace” in her Immaculate Conception


“Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” What greater thing could there be than such a joy, O Virgin Mary? What could there be of greater worth than the grace that you alone have received as your lot on the part of God? What more joyful or more splendid could be imagined? All other things are left far behind the wonder that is yours; all stand beneath your grace. The most unquestionable of privileges takes only second place and possesses far less splendour. “The Lord is with you.” Who would dare dispute with you on this point? God is born from you. Is there anyone who would not immediately yield their place to you, joyfully leaving you with the first place and excellence? Therefore, when I behold you placed above all creatures I cry aloud your praises: “Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” This joy, which comes forth from you is not granted to men alone but to all the angelic powers of heaven, too… God himself dwells bodily in your womb; he comes forth as a Bridegroom (Ps 19 [18]:6) to bring joy and divine illumination to all mankind. It is within you, O Virgin, that God has “set up his abode” (cf Ps 76 [75]:3) as in a pure and luminous sky. From you “he comes forth like the groom from his bridal chamber”; like “a giant’s course, he runs the course” of his life, which is to bring salvation to all the living. Reaching like the sun “from one end of the heavens to the other” (Ps 19 [18]:6-7), he will fill all things with his divine warmth and life-giving light.