Thought of the day
5/20/2019 6:54:10 AM

Thought Of the Day


"We will come to him and make our dwelling with him"

“My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” Consider, dearly beloved, how great this solemnity is that commemorates the coming of God as a guest in our hearts. If some rich and powerful friend were to enter your home, you would quickly clean the entire house for fear something there might offend your friend's eyes when he entered. Let anyone then who is preparing his inner house for God cleanse away the dirt of his evil deeds. You see what Truth tells us: “We will come and make our home with him.” He does indeed enter the hearts of some but does not make his home there, because through repentance they acquire respect for God, but during a time of temptation they forget that they have repented and so return to committing sins as if they had never wept over them at all. The Lord comes into the heart and makes his home in one who truly loves God and observes his command­ments since the love of his divine nature so penetrates him that he does not turn away from it during times of temptation. That person loves truly whose heart does not consent to be overcome by wicked pleasures... Hence the following clarification: “Whoever does not love me does not keep my words.” Dearly beloved, enter into yourselves and inquire if you truly love God. But let no one believe the answer his heart gives in his own case apart from the testimony of his works.