Thought of the day
5/1/2019 5:52:51 AM

Thought Of the Day


"Whoever lives according to the truth comes into the light"

In the evening, when the Bishop is present, the deacon carries in the lamp. And standing in the midst of all the faithful who are there, he will offer thanksgiving. First of all he says the greeting: “The Lord be with you,” and the people respond: “And with your spirit.” – Then he says: "Let us give thanks to the Lord” amd they reply: “It is right and just. To Him be the greatness and supremacy together with the glory”... Then he will pray thus, saying: “We give you thanks, Lord, through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom you enlighten us by revealing the light that never dims. Since day is spent and we have now reached evening, filled with the light of the day you created for our joy; and since, through your grace, we do not now lack the light of evening, we praise and glorify you through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom to you be glory and power and honor, with the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and through all ages. Amen.” And everyone will say: “Amen.” In this way, after the meal, all will stand in prayer. The children say psalms as also the virgins.