Thought of the day
10/4/2019 6:32:40 AM

Thought Of the Day


“Hear, my people... I will testify against you” (Ps 50[49]:7)

“Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness, when your fathers proved Me by trial... they shall not enter into My rest”... For great is the grace of His promise, if today we hear His voice. And that “today” is lengthened out day by day, while it is called today. And to the end the today and the instruction continue; and then the true today, the never-ending day of God, extends over eternity. Let us then ever obey the voice of the divine word. For the “today” signifies eternity. And day is the symbol of light; and the light of men is the Word (Jn 1:9), by whom we behold God. Rightly, then, to those who have believed and obey, grace will superabound; while with those who have been unbelieving... and have not known the Lord's ways... God is incensed, and these He threatens. And, indeed, the old Hebrew wanderers in the desert received in type the end of this threatening; for they are said not to have entered into the rest, because of their unbelief. But the Lord, in His love, invites all to a knowledge of the truth (1Tm 2:4) and for this end sends the Paraclete... Hear, then, “you who are far off, hear you who are near” (Ep 2:17): the word has not been hidden from any; light is common, it shines on all... Let us haste to salvation, to regeneration; let us who are many haste that we may be brought together into one love. The union of many in one...becomes one symphony following one choir-leader and teacher, the Word, reaching and resting in the same truth, and crying “Abba, Father” (Rm 8:15).