Thought of the day
10/1/2020 5:24:47 AM

"Pray the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Lk 10:2)


Blessed Columba Marmion (1858-1923)


The Opus Dei, means of union with God (Christ the Ideal of the Monk, pub. Sands & Co., 1934; pp. 324, 325; rev.)

"Pray the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Lk 10:2)

As the ages succeed one another, Christ leaves his Bride to accomplish a part of the prayer that he recited when on the point of offering his sacrifice. Although this prayer is of infinite efficacy, Our Lord wills us to join our own to it. One day, our Divine Savior, casting his gaze upon the multitude of souls to be redeemed, said to his apostles whom he was about to send to preach the gospel: "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Lk 10:2). The apostles might have replied: "Lord, why are you telling us to pray? Doesn't your own prayer suffice?" No, it does not suffice. "You, too, pray." Christ Jesus chooses to have need of our prayers as of those of the apostles. Let us think, at the moments when we are recollecting ourselves (…), that from the depth of the tabernacle, Christ is about to say to us: "Lend me your lips and hearts that I may prolong my prayer here below while in heaven I offer my merits to the Father. Prayer first of all: the laborers will only come afterwards, and their work will only bear fruit in the measure that my Father, attentive to your prayer, which is mine, will pour down the heavenly dew of his grace upon earth." Remembering the sacrifice for the redemption of the whole world, and feeling herself strong in the very strength of the Savior, the Church lets her motherly gaze travel over the divers series of souls who have need of help from on high, and she offers special supplications for each. Let us imitate this example of our mother and approach God with confidence, for at this moment we are the mouth of the whole Church.