Thought of the day
10/2/2019 6:41:55 AM

Thought Of the Day


"Their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father" (Mt 18:10)

Plead that the high priest himself, the Lord Jesus, lay his hand on you so that you may live for eternity in the aid of the Most High and that you may remain under the protection of the God of heaven (cf. Ps 90[91]:1). (…) Ah, Jesus, prince of peace and angel of great counsel, may you yourself always be the guide at my right and the guardian of my pilgrimage, lest I move away and stray from you. And deign to send from heaven your holy angel who, under your lovingly-kind care, will be solicitous for me and, according to your gracious purpose, direct me and lead me, perfect, along your way back to you. (Ex 23:20). Greetings, holy angel of God, guardian of my soul and body. Through the most dulcet heart of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for love of him who created you and me, for love of him who commended me to you at baptism, take me into your most faithful fatherly care. May I, then, aided by you, pass through the torrent of this life along a spotless path until, with you, I come gladly to see that mellifluous face which you see: that merriest radiance of imperial divinity, dulcet beyond all sweetness. Ah Jesus, shepherd very close to my heart, make me, an unworthy little sheep, always follow and acknowledge your most dulcet voice; and, by the most pleasant scent of living faith, make me run to pastures of eternal life, where I can be at leisure for eternity and see that you, my Lord, are truly pleasant.