Thought of the day
8/13/2019 6:13:54 AM

Thought Of the Day


That which gives pleasure to God

Imagine, my Sisters, what pleasure God takes in contemplating a soul who takes care to please him, scrupulous about offering to him whatever she is about to undertake? Oh, it's unimaginable, Sisters, and we are only too right to say that it gives God joy! Ah yes, this is his joy, his pleasure, his delight! It is like the child who is eager to take to his father everything given him; if someone gives him something, he cannot rest until he has found his father: "Look, father; see what I've got; I've been given this; I've done that." And the father takes unspeakable pleasure at seeing this child's obedience and little signs of love and dependence. Dearest Sisters, it is just the same with God and to an even higher degree. When a soul says to him first thing in the morning: "Oh my God, I offer you everything that will happen to me today", and when, in addition, on those principal occasions for doing or suffering that arise, it glances towards his Divine Majesty to say wordlessly: "See, oh my God, what I am about to do for your love alone. This meeting is a nuisance and difficult to bear, but for love of you nothing is impossible for me", then, daughters, God increases his grace insofar as his goodness sees the use the soul makes of it. And if it has the strength to overcome some difficulty today then, tomorrow, it will have enough to pass over some other, or many more, even greater and more annoying ones.