Thought of the day
7/23/2019 6:43:23 AM

Thought Of the Day


"Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother"

To love what God loves is the logical thing for the one who is truly his lover; outside that wish there are no desires of our own – or if there should be one, this is in conformity with his will; if this should not be so, then our will would not be united with his. But if our will is really at one with his love, we shall want nothing that he does not want, we shall love nothing that he does not love, and having given ourselves up completely to his will, we shall not mind whatever he may send us, wherever he may place us. And about everything that he may want of us, we shall not only feel unconcerned, we shall feel pleased. I don't know whether there's any error in what I am saying. I submit myself to the one who understands about this. I only say what I feel, and that is, that I truly have no other wish than to love him, and everything else I commend to him. May his will be done! Every day I become happier in my complete abandonment into his hands.